Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sometimes I Make Myself Sad

Now is one of those moments that I’m not real proud of. It is 9:00AM and my kids are all in their beds with the lights out, not because they are still sleeping, but on time out. It’s cold and rainy outside, it feels dreary because of the fog and my attitude doesn’t help either.

I love starting new Bible studies. I woke up early this morning ready to dive in and get filled spiritually and hear from God. Well, so did Little Professor very excited about a new collection he started, “baseball cards”. There is so much he wanted to share with me, but I calmly reminded him that “right now” is mommy’s only time to spend time with Jesus. I decided to let him play on the computer while I started.

A moment later Curious George woke up and needed to talk as well. I told him the same thing I told Little Professor. He wanted desperately to “do beads”. The only problem is yesterday when he was working on it he accidentally spilled them and didn’t want to clean up, so they (the beads) are on time out for today. I calmly (still calm) explained the situation to him. He then kept begging (hands in prayer position on his knees and everything) and whining. I sent him to his room because he wouldn’t stop and I wasn’t going to lose my temper, but that turned out to be a big mistake.

Lover Boy was still asleep in the same room that I sent Curious George to. So that didn’t last long especially when Curious George was yelling at the top of his lungs “can I come out now?”. Three kids awake, still on page one of my Bible study and the coffee is overflowing the pot in the kitchen. I’m still okay though a little rattled, but okay. It isn’t 7 yet so there is still time.

Hubby wakes up, gets coffee and starts to read his Bible. There is peace, and I finish reading the first three pages (dedication, foreword, and introduction), I’m about to start the actual Bible part and that is as far as I got. Now I am a little flustered, because breakfast needs to be made, kids need to be dressed and at some point I need to dress too.

Hubby leaves for work, kids are fed, I’m still not dressed. I decide to read from a devotional book “Joy for the Journey”. I was convicted because while the kids were eating and complaining about what I made for breakfast, I was snapping at them so much it just became my normal tone. The verse that stood out to me was Col 3:12, “As the elect of God,… put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering.” I sure wasn’t being tender or kind. Another verse, 1 Cor. 10:31 “Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” It’s no fun feeling like a failure as a loving mom before 8:00 AM.

I decided to share the verse with others so I got online. For some reason it makes me feel more accountable, and sometimes people write back very encouraging notes. It only took me five minutes, but then I lost it again. I heard screaming, crying, and laughing coming from my three boys in the other room. The youngest was crying saying “ouchy” while chasing the other two swinging a bat in one hand and a light saber in the other. This is why they were all on time out, but they are all playing nicely now.

Dear Lord, please help me today to honor You in all that I do and say. Help me to show my children the same kind of tenderness, mercy, and kindness You show me. It is only 9:30 in the morning and I know I’m really going to need Your help if I’m going to make it for the next 11 hours. Help me to encourage others, lead me and guide me in what Your will is today.


shalom said...

thanks for your honesty. good to see we need the Lord and can not do it on our own

Evangeline Denmark said...

You're describing our house. It can be so hard. Thanks for sharing your struggles and the verses that helped you. I need to hear those too!