Tuesday, October 7, 2014

KNOW: Day 6 (5 minutes daily in October)

My oldest child turned 13 today
I thought about this word..
Then I asked myself, "do I know him"?
Do I know my other two boys?
Do I really know what their dreams are?
Do I really know what their fears are?
When I was that age I didn't think my parents knew me.
But I didn't know myself either
I was always trying to be someone else
Trying to copy someone I wanted to be like
What I did know about me
I didn't really want them to know
It's hard to take time to really invest in my kids
Not because I don't want to
by the time homework is done, dinner made, practice is over..
it's time for bed and another day is gone
How much of that was knowing what they do
not knowing who they are
I want to know them better
I want them to know me
Not just as the mom
but as a person who wants to know them
I want them to be free to be themselves
and not pretend to be the person
they think I want them to be

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