Friday, August 29, 2014

Reach - 5 minute Friday

Reach ~
I just started reading a great book a friend of mine wrote. "Silver Threads - Weaving Godly Wisdom into the Lives of Younger Women" by Kate Megill. This book is about mentoring women.
Reach out to the younger women.
In this book Kate asks where all the older women are. She makes a point that many are too busy.
I can't reach out if I'm focused inward.
Stretching out toward something... someone
This is what comes to mind
Also that scene from "Hook".
The scene where Peter Panning was too gripped by fear to reach out and save his children.
All he had to do was reach out and touch them.
I don't want to stop reaching.
I don't want to be too busy to reach out to others.
I don't want to be too afraid to reach out.
To reach takes effort.
To reach takes risk.
To reach takes stretching.
If I reach out I am more vulnerable.
To reach means helping others.
To reach means growth.
To reach means exercising my heart and its ability to love.
To reach is what Jesus did.
Lord, open my eyes today.
Help me stretch out the love You have given me and reach out to others.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Change ~ 5 Minute Friday

Is hard
If it happens to you
you must adjust quickly or it can really set you back
If you need to make a change
...depending on your motivation
It can sometimes take forever
I don't do change well.
But if change happens to me
I can eventually get my head around it
Get my attitude in check and keep going
Not fighting it and trying to flow works best.
But there are things in my life that I have wanted to change
for years
I always come up with a plan
then I get lazy, forget, or just lose motivation
why is is so hard for me to change?
Even those things I know I need to change
Those many things that I have countless ideas
formulas, books, plans...
I don't lack the knowledge
They aren't impossible
Many have made these changes
I just don't practice
I want to change

Friday, August 15, 2014

Tell -- 5 Minute Friday

The word is "Tell"
The first thing I thought of when I saw this word was tell people who God is.
Who He really is.
There is so much fear out there today,
A thick fear that I can feel in the air.
I can sense that believers... Christ followers... are letting fear overwhelm them.
God has not given us a spirit of fear.. but of sound mind.
So let me tell you who my God is:
My God is Master of the universe.
My God is completely wise.
My God is completely sovereign.
My God is good.
There is nothing that escapes Him.
His ways are not our ways.
He is a God of justice.
And His love is unending...
He says, "do not fear".

Friday, August 8, 2014

Fill - Five Minute Friday

So... I'm going to start something new. Something a little challenging for me. Five Minute Friday. It is supposed to be an unedited rough draft on a given topic. (If you’re interested in learning more check out, Kate Motaung’s site.)

Fill - that is the word.

I smile as I think, do I really need to "fill" my time with anything else.
Just this morning I was a bit overwhelmed as my calendar is quickly filling up with appointments, activities and work.
School hasn't even started yet.
What will my calendar look like when I get announcements from the classes of my three boys.
Baseball also starts soon and this season we will have three different teams again.
For some reason, I want this challenge.
Maybe because it is something for just me.
A way to express my thoughts.
I am not a writer.
I think of this word and imagine little holes in people.
Holes that are made by sorrow, frustration, discouragement, loneliness, or anger.
What joy if I could be used to fill even just a little hole by bringing encouragement to someone.
Just by listening
Or a smile