Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My Playground As A Kid

I grew up in El Cerro which is east of a little town called Los Lunas. Los Lunas is south of Albuquerque in New Mexico. My mother grew up here as did her mother and father before her.

My brothers and I used to play on these hills when we were kids. We had many adventures.

Every hill and valley had a name. These pictures were taken from the top of the hill we called "where the moon landed".

This is looking toward the valley and the hill in the background is Los Lunas hill. This is the way I used to walk to get to my grandparents house.Me and my three boys looking down from the top of "where the moon landed".
Today I stayed at the top and let the boys wander around on their own. Many times I would say a prayer and hold my breath till they were in sight again.
This is a zoomed in picture of the one above. They had so much fun. Oh how I love these hills. But there didn't used to be tire tracks or houses in the background.
When I played on these hills and fought off the pirates and other bandits in my adventures, I knew someday I would see my own kids playing. I just didn't know how much it would make me smile.

This time of year is perfect because the snakes are not out. Just watch out for cactus!
Lover Boy found many more rocks to add to our collection.

Papa Ernest joined us in our hunt for great rocks. Little Professor was looking for rare finds. Curious George was looking for any rock that sparkled in the sunlight. Lover Boy just tried to find the biggest and the heaviest rocks.
Here comes Daddy. Now he and Papa can take the boys on an adventure walk. I'm going to hang out with my mom and try to figure out my grandmother's old sewing machine.

Monday, December 29, 2008

The House I Grew Up In

This is a picture of the house I grew up in. It was custom built by my father and is octagon like a Hogan.

This is the back (east side) of the house. The living area is on the top floor and the bedrooms are on the bottom. Half of the bottom floor is underground.

This is the view looking east. And the road that will take you to El Cerro Mission.

This is the north side of the house. It faces out toward the foothills and Albuquerque which is too far away to see.

This is the west side of the house. This is my mother's dream house. With a view from every window.
Although the hills I played on as a kid have changed a little, this first hill is still the same. My brother's and I call it "where the moon landed". Many of my prayers were prayed at the top of this hill when I was young.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Rail Runner to Santa Fe

Right after church this morning we drove to the train station in Belen. The kids weren't sure if they should really believe that we were going to get on. Friday was such a big disappointment. But the train came after all.

They were so excited to get in.

Here we are sitting in seats on our way to Santa Fe. We had no idea how great it was until two more stops when it was standing room only and every stop after that they had to tell people there was no room.

Lover Boy really got attached to my brother Arlin. On the way home when we had to stand for an hour he was in a different part of the train asleep in Uncle Arlin's lap.

It was a long day, and the kids had a lot of fun. Little Professor and Curious George slept in the aisle way between Pappa and Daddy who were standing. In the words of Lover Boy, "Choo choo fun and fast!"

Friday, December 26, 2008

Train Ride

Waiting in front of the tracks for our train.
Uncle Armand, Uncle Arlin, Curious George, Little Professor, and Lover Boy

Me and my brother Arlin
Today we decided to take the train from Los Lunas where my parents live to Albuquerque. It was a great idea, except that the train never came. We were freezing, the snow was falling, and the kids were patiently watching for that darn train.
I guess our first clue should have been the fact that there were no other cars around. It was just us, and two other young people who had been dropped off. But then we saw it, a small sign on a bulletin board.
I tried to encourage the kids by saying that we would drive the same route, and possibly get there sooner. After all we were still going to dinner in Albuquerque. We could even pretend we were on a train. My sweet Curious George says, "mommy, I'm sorry to say this, but I lost my imagination." "Oh no", I said sadly, "that is just too bad, you have such a great imagination". "Well", he said, "I just can't imagine that we are in a train when I see the train track right next to us".
Oh well, Dinner was good. Maybe we will try to ride the train another day.

Pogosa Springs

Driving to Pagosa Springs CO.
The morning we left.

Early morning sunrise

The snow was up to the windows

Driving out of Pagosa Springs
so much snow!

Boy was it beautiful.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Being Still When You Don't Have The Choice

“Come with Me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” Mark 6:31

The plan was to leave our kids at my parents in New Mexico, pick up my two single brothers and come to Pogosa Springs for two nights so we could ski. It has been over ten years since any of us have hit the slopes, and Wolf Creek has lots of snow.

That was the plan.

The reality is that the snow has not stopped falling since we got here. White out conditions have kept us inside. We were supposed to leave this morning, but the roads are too treacherous so we will be staying another night.

It is very quiet and very peaceful. There are only adults with me so I’m experiencing extreme quietness. It is funny, but I really miss the pitter patter of precious little feet. I miss the laughter and all the noises (sometimes very annoying noises). With three little boys there is always a lot of noise at my house.

If I would have known all this free time would have been mine, I would have brought more stuff to fill it. At my mom’s I have three boxes of Christmas Cards to address and sign, a couple of books I want to finish and my journal. I would have brought those things, but instead I’m forced to relax and enjoy “time” itself.

Today I have time; time to think, time to contemplate, time to plan, time to just sit and take it all in. I have time to listen.

God will You speak?

“The LORD your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.” Zep. 3:17

“Now then, stand still and see this great thing the LORD is about to do before your eyes!” 1 Sam. 12:16

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Falling Snow

It's been snowing off and on all day long today. I've got a sick husband a sick three year old and from the sound of it possibly a sick seven year old. Oh oh, and now a sick 5 year old. I did manage to go out and shovel the driveway around noon, but the snow has already covered it again.

I love when the snow is just falling, it is so peaceful and quiet. It is quite another story when the wind is blowing. I must have stared at it for 15 minutes today. I was amazed at how many different directions the wind would carry it. Sometimes the snow falls to the left, sometimes to the right and then in a spiral. I was mesmerized.

According to the news, "Winter weather is expected to hang around for most of the week, with highs not making it above the 20's until Thursday". Above the 20's? Last winter didn't seem this cold to me. But maybe God blessed us since it was our first winter in Colorado Springs coming from San Diego.

Currently it is 2 degrees outside. Burrr So far today I've had 5 cups of coffee, 2 cups of sugar free hot cider, and 3 cups of just plain hot water. There is something very comforting about knowing my God is in control and holding a hot drink, even if it is only water.

I hear laughter coming from the living room, maybe my sick men are feeling better? Naw, they are all watching "America's Funniest Home Videos". I think I'll join them, after all laughter is the best medicine.

"God thunders marvelously with His voice;
He does great things which we cannot comprehend.
For He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth’;

Likewise to the gentle rain and the heavy rain of His strength.
He seals the hand of every man,

That all men may know His work.
The beasts go into dens,

And remain in their lairs.
From the chamber of the south comes the whirlwind,

And cold from the scattering winds of the north.
By the breath of God ice is given,

And the broad waters are frozen.
Also with moisture He saturates the thick clouds;

He scatters His bright clouds.
And they swirl about, being turned by His guidance,

That they may do whatever He commands them
On the face of the whole earth." Job 37:5-12 NKJV

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Some people like them others do not. I really enjoy traditions. I like to do things on purpose to make memories all year round, but especially at Christmas time.

Some of our family traditions are more spiritual, such as doing an Advent Calendar, reading the Christmas story in the Bible, and setting up the Nativity. Other traditions are on the crafty side, decorating a gingerbread house, making salt dough ornaments, baking for the neighbors, stringing popcorn, and making the longest paper chain we can. I like sending out a Christmas letter and looking for pictures to put in my personalized family calendar. Every year I read “Cosmic Christmas” by Max Lucado (I just love that book). We try to go out and look at Christmas lights as a family and take a family photo to share with others.

The only problem I have with my Christmas traditions is that I have to start planning in November or else I’m rushing at the end to try to get them all in. Some years I am better at it than others. This year I wasn’t so good at it. The lights are still in their boxes waiting to be hung and we are a few days behind on our Advent Calendar. My Christmas letter is just notes, and the ginger bread house kit is still in the box. I’m not stressed about it, at least not yet. This year, if I don’t get it all done I’m okay with that. At least I think I am. I want my children to have positive memories of this time, and not having a stressed out momma will make all the difference.

I just have to keep telling myself that.

Over and over again

Monday, December 8, 2008

Comfort Zone

The other night I sort of hosted a table at the Women's Christmas Tea at church. I say sort of because the dishes weren't mine, nor the napkins, or silverware, candle holders, or even the center piece for that matter. My contribution was a white teapot that I got two days before for six bucks at Ross, oh and candles plus the name tags to mark where each of the ladies were to sit. Even the gifts were not from me but from Women's Ministry.

This sort of thing is out of my comfort zone. I feel very uncomfortable with breakable items and even though I wish I had an eye for décor, I know that I really don’t. It just doesn’t flow naturally from me. With that said, I did enjoy the actual event. The music was soothing, the fellowship with the ladies at my table was encouraging, and the speakers were wonderful. I got my ticket free for hosting and the food was good. But if you asked me if I had fun hosting, I’d have to say no, even though I will do it again.

I actually think that is strange. Why do something out of my comfort zone? I could have just gone to the tea and paid for the ticket, it was definitely worth the money. Why put myself out there? The more I pondered this, the more I felt better about doing it. I’m finally taking chances on my growth.

I did a quick search starting with the dictionary, and found these comments about “comfort zones” interesting.

“An environment or situation in which a person feels secure or at ease; also figuratively, an established lifestyle in which a person feels comfortable as long as there is no drastic change” Webster's New Millennium™ Dictionary of English

“This personal “comfort zone” is the invisible, but very real area that defines the boundaries of what we know and understand. By staying within this comfort zone we reassure ourselves that we are safe. And as long as we are safely held within the walls of what we know we feel secure and confident.” Edward Mills

I guess for me and where I’m at on my journey, I’m finally ready to do more than just what I know. I think if it helps someone else it makes it easier. Stepping out of the familiar is a way to somehow control the growth in my life, because it was my decision to do it. I think for me, the reason I really don’t like doing things that I am not sure of is fear. Fear of failure, fear of looking stupid, fear of letting others down. I have always stayed away from situations that made me uncomfortable, and usually missed out on something. I remember one instance when I was at a family reunion in my young teens. Everyone was playing volley ball and even though I wanted to play I couldn’t because I was crippled by fear. Fear that I would mess up, miss the ball, and let my team down. My favorite cousin said that I was the only reason I wasn’t having fun. She went and played, and I watched. I knew she was totally right, but I just couldn’t do it. This kind of thing has happened way too many times in my life over the last 30 years.

The time has come for me to take some chances. I am a role model for my three boys, and I don’t want them to be afraid to learn by making mistakes. But if I’m going to model this for them I have to be more courageous, try things, and make mistakes of my own. Don’t get me wrong, I have made plenty of mistakes in my life. Those mistakes were the negative consequences of poor choices, not because I tried to do something new. I have always loved the verse in Philippians 4:13 that says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” I have believed this verse, (and I’ve even taught it to my children) but only as it applied to things that I had to do. Now I will need to apply it to things that I’m choosing to stick my neck out and do.

Things to do outside of my comfort zone:
Start a blog (hey, I did this one yeah!)
Cook pork, beef (not ground), and fish (not sticks)

I know my list is small but I must take baby steps, plus I’m too afraid to admit to more just yet.

What about you?
Have you done something out of your comfort zone lately?
Are you glad you did?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

This picture was taken of my grandparents in October, the month before for my grandfather went to heaven. My parents took them on a road trip to Pagosa Springs to get them out of the house.
My grandparents would have celebrated their 66th anniversary if he would have lived only 3 more days. This is a poem I wrote for them last year. What a wonderful example of a life long commitment.
True Commitment

I hope this is a blessing to everyone who hears
I’ve written this for a couple celebrating a marriage of 65 years
Not just any couple, these two happen to be
They fear the Lord, their names are Ernest and Libby

I prayed and asked the Lord, what He wanted me to say
To show them love and honor on this very special day
How do you show someone honor is the question I had to ask
So I took a trip through scripture and a good look at their past

The Bible tells us that salvation is free, a gift to receive
Placing our faith in Jesus, one only needs to believe
Ernest and Libby accepted this gift, 30 years ago in 1977
This gift transformed them, and secured their place in heaven

Once a part of the heavenly family, a person is righteous in God eyes
The evidence of them walking with God is seen in their fruit filled lives
I must jump back and forth to help you understand
The events of their lives helped ready them for the workings of God’s plan

If you take a look back in time when they were newly married, and young
Libby was home cradling a new baby and Ernest was at war cradling a gun.
It was then that their faith was developing, trusting in God everyday
Would she still be there waiting, would he live through the day
Ernest wore out his rosary, praying constantly in and out of battle
Libby was praying for the father of her baby shaking a rattle

I believe it was at this time that they learned the discipline of prayer
Who doesn’t ask Ernest to pray for them in their time of despair?
The fervent prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective
1st Peter 3 says that God listens when the righteous pray, to put it in perspective
See, in heaven our prayers are in golden bowls a sweet smell of incense
The bowls that hold their prayers for you, must be quite immense.
Ernest prays for people in hospitals anointing their head with oil
I wonder how many of Satan’s plans because of prayer, were foiled.

Ernest made it home from war and with Libby a great journey began
From this faithful marriage Ernest Jr. was first and the next 12 years would span
The birth of Sylvia, Audrey, Andy, Leroy, Michael, and Clyde
Carla, Albert and Monalisa but sadly the youngest would die
Amidst the chaos and hardships of just trying to survive
They taught their children to love and respect God, and their family did thrive
But there was one big problem they trusted in their works to earn eternal life
They had not yet learned the totality of Jesus’ incomparable price

Scripture says that God knew His plans for them, He weaves His will like a thread
The days of Ernest and Libby were ordained before ever a path they did tread
God knows the future and He, had chosen them all along
His plans for them were of hope not harm, because to Him they would belong
As far as they knew they were good, respected in their church and community
They had a few little rebels and patient makers, but doesn’t every family?
Yes, they were doing alright, for the most part everything was going just fine
I wonder if God had a smile, when He chose to shake things up in 1969
One of the kids found Jesus, Libby asked him “when was Jesus ever lost?”
But Andy stood up for his faith, no matter what it cost
And because of God’s grace and His love, for the Sanchez clan
One by one the others accepted their Savior fulfilling the divine plan
Being faithful in prayer, Ernest and Libby prayed for their daughters and sons
And 9 years later as Libby will tell you Jesus the Savior won

Why do I write these things to you, why tell you their story?
Because as a result of their years of faithfulness, God receives Glory.
Dear friends, the things they practiced before, they still do to this day
Not out of duty but out of love for Jesus, they would have it no other way
Those of you who call them parents, grandparents, and great grandparents, listen to me
They have taught us love and faithfulness by example, they have left us a legacy
We honor them with our own lives, when we live according to the Lord’s plan
Leaning not on our own understanding, acknowledging God, and following His commands

So thank you Libby and Ernest, mom and dad, grandma and grandpa, for these 65 years
Being faithful to one another and God, not only in times of joy but also in tears
We honor you today, in a world where 65 years of marriage is rare
And we celebrate with you, even those of us who can’t be there
The many lives you touch are blessed, people like you are few
God’s plan for you isn’t finished yet, He will continue to work through you
You are lights up on a mountain top, shining for all to see
Keep on serving the Lord above, and strengthening your legacy.

"Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us" Eph 3:20

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him" 1Cor 2:9

"you shall keep His statutes and His commandments which I am giving you today, that it may go well with you and with your children after you" Deut 4:40

Journey's End

Grandpa, when you first arrived in heaven
Was it overwhelming to behold
Did you recognize apostles and prophets
Walking with angels down the streets of gold?

What is it like Grandpa, to experience
All that you've only read about before?
Can you even stand in God’s presence
Or do you find yourself worshiping faced down on the floor?

What was it like those first moments
Did your mouth stay opened wide
Seeing Jesus in His glory knowing
It was for this appointed time your Savior died?

I bet you didn't waste a single moment
But ran as fast as you could and with ease
To sit in the lap of your Master
Whom you lived to serve and please.

What is it like Grandpa
To be held in His strong embrace?
How wonderful it must be
When He looks at you with eyes of grace.

You talked to Him so often
His wisdom and counsel you did seek
By faith you trusted in His written word
What is it like to actually hear Him speak?

Through mountains, plains, and valleys
Your journey is over, you are finally home
I know you would tell us to persevere and keep on going
Because with God we are never alone.

I know you would encourage us
To rejoice and give thanks in trials large or small
Keeping our focus on the heavenly prize
Because being with Jesus is definitely worth it all.

You ran long and hard
And you have finished your race
Jesus is your reward
As you stand face to face.

No longer hindered
No longer held back
Your body is transformed
Nothing will you lack.

Free from worry, free from pain
Free from fear, all burdens gone
You stand perfected
In the presence of the Glorious One.

As soon as you left your body
85 years in your earthly shell
You stepped into eternity
Forever with your Savior to dwell.

In Loving Memory of Ernest G. Sanchez
My Wonderful Grandfather
November 1, 1923 – November 26, 2008

By Andrea Downs