Friday, April 3, 2015


(Five Minute Friday)
 37 years ago an 8 year old girl was puzzled at this word, 'good'.

She thought, "why on this rainy day, when we think about Jesus being beat up and brutally killed, hanging naked on a tree, would anyone in their right mind say it was good?

To me it just didn't make sense.

So.. I asked Mom.
Why did we call the day Jesus died 'good'?

My mom explained to me the reason.

With no death there would be no payment for my sin.
Not good
With no payment for my sin I would have to pay the price myself
Not good
The payment for my sin is death, and being forever separated from God
Really not good

With no death there would be no resurrection
With no  resurrection there would be no hope

It wasn't that Jesus' life was taken from Him
It was that He gave it up willing
This is good
He surrendered His life,
To pay the price necessary for my sin
This is good
He laid down His life,
So I could be with Him forever
This is good
He died for me
Because He loves me
This is very good!

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