Monday, January 19, 2009

Fearing a Storm That Hasn't Come - Yet

Some of us today are in the midst of a storm in our lives. Some have just recently survived one, and some may feel as though they have not experienced a large scale storm or any storm for that matter. And there are those who have not had a storm for some time and think we are due. Sometimes when we hear of other people and the pain they are in we can let fear creep in and distract us. The enemy loves to take anything and make it a distraction. This is where I found myself last week. My thoughts were consumed with when and how the next storm would hit my life. I was asking myself if it would be me or maybe one of the members of my family that would be hurt. I started playing different tragic scenarios in my mind and dwelling on the “what if’s” of life. Then I realized I was gripped by fear, and I was very distracted. I got on my face before the Lord, confessed and asked for a word from Him. He answered me in my heart and I wrote it down. I want to share it in hopes that it will be an encouragement to your heart as it was to mine. Also I want to remind you that in the battle of your mind to take your thoughts captive.

Do not fear Me child, I love you.
I will only allow what is necessary to make you more like Me.
I love you so much I gave up My own Son.
You are safe with Me, no matter what happens in your life.
I am your strong tower.
I love your husband more than you do.
I love each one of your children more than you are even capable of loving them.
Remember child, I am love, but I also have a plan.
Trust Me and know that My plan is perfect and My grace is sufficient.
I will walk through it with you.
Remember child, I am the Masterpiece Maker.
I am highly skilled in the art of clay.
Be moldable in My loving yet strong hands.
Allow Me to do amazing things with and through you.
I have chosen you dear one.
Put your faith and trust in Me.
I do not make mistakes.
I neither slumber nor sleep.
My eye is on you and you are engraved in the palm of My hand.
Please don’t waste time.
Do what I’ve called you to do.
Never forget My love for you.
It is stamped on every cell of your body.

1 comment:

Carla Madrid said...

Dear Andrea,
You are really talented!!! Wow! Did you write this? You have a gift. I am so proud of you. I am thankful that you are using this talent. Wow GO GIRL!! You made my day. I read a few others I will comment on them too.