Thursday, October 2, 2014

VIEW: Day 2 (5 minutes daily in October)

How does your view of tomorrow look?
If you view it through the the news...
words like
might come to mind.
If you don't know the One who is in charge of tomorrow
then yes
your view of tomorrow can look this way.
But if you do know Him..
The creator of each tomorrow
Almighty God
has a plan and a purpose, 
Your tomorrow's 
no matter how you view them today, 
have promise.

We need to put on Jesus glasses
So our view is clear and not clouded
With my Jesus glasses on 
I remember Psalm 139
"O LORD, You know
when I sit down and when I rise up
You scrutinize
(examine in detail with careful or critical attention)
my path and my lying down.
You are intimately acquainted 
with all my ways."

With Jesus glasses on
my view of tomorrow 
has hope
because I know my God is Mighty
and in His sovereignty
He does cause all things
to work together
for good 
to those who love Him and
are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28)

With my Jesus glasses on
 my view of tomorrow is filled with light
"In Your light
we see light." (Psalm 36:9)

With my Jesus glasses on 
my view will be like Moses
a view of faith
"It was by faith
that Moses left the land of Egypt
He kept right on going
he kept his eyes on the one 
who is invisible" (Hebrews 11:27)

Lord, clear my vision
help me to view my tomorrow
my today
through You.

"But friends
You're not in the dark
so how could you be taken off guard 
by any of this?
Your sons of Light,
daughters of Day.
We live under wide open skies 
and know where we stand.
So lets not sleepwalk through life
like those others.
Lets keep our eyes open
and be smart." (Thessalonians 5:4-8)

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