Saturday, April 2, 2016

Obstacles Are Your Teachers

I don't want you to worry about the weather beloved
Don't worry about if the storm is about to come
You are with Me
If it is raining
I have an umbrella
If it is flooding
I have a boat
If it is a tornado
I have a shelter
I am prepared
I will guide you through any storm I have allowed
Look not to the storm but how I will show Myself to you in it

I told you I will teach you to dance with Me
on top
the obstacles
Expect the obstacles
They are supposed to be there
They are planned into the choreography
Do not be surprised by them
They are your teachers
Embrace them
They lead you to deeper fellowship with Me

I am the light
As the world grows darker in the days to come
Do not try to figure out the why
Instead know Me better
I want you to learn to relax in My presence

Like a child learning to swim
don't fight Me
Let Me swirl you through the water
I won't let go
You have your own ideas of what is trouble and what is safe
I want to train your eyes
so you can see and understand
reality from the shadow

I will teach you joy beloved
I will teach you thankfulness

Taken from my personal quiet time journal summary 2014-2015 (part 8 of 27)

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harada57 said...
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